What is that Tennessee Episcopal Cursillo Commission (TECC) Up To?

TECC members are appointed by the Bishop for 3-year terms to oversee all things Cursillo and to ensure Cursillo weekends are scheduled, well organized and authentic. The Commission’s current focus is the next weekend, Spring or Fall of 2021 after COVID abates.We need a minimum of 12 candidates for this Weekend.

Registration and the Finances: TECC commits to DuBose 60 days prior to the weekend. If a weekend is cancelled, we are contracted to pay DuBose, proportionally based on date of cancellation. The cost is approximately $8,000 for a weekend of 40 folks. Completed registration forms are the only way to realistically determine whether or not to make this financial commitment.

Sponsorship is where TECC needs your help. Please prayerfully consider whom you would like to sponsor and speak with your rector about your friend before inviting your friend. Please coordinate with your rector and your candidate to submit registration forms as soon as possible. See www.tnepiscopalcursillo.org for instructions.

Discuss with your friend how the registration and weekend fees ($200 total) will be paid. Some sponsors pay for their candidates in full; some candidates pay their own way. Either way your sponsorship is the gift of “the best weekend ever!”

Per past practice, the Staff pays their individual weekend fees in full prior to the weekend.  Commission funds can be used to supplement candidates as no one is excluded for lack of funds.

TECC is discussing alternate locations for hosting Weekends occasionally, specifically locations closer to Nashville.  Montgomery Bell State Park is being considered but is in process of expansion and renovation so no weekend would be scheduled there before Spring 2021.

TECC is reaching out and visiting those parishes are not currently involved with Cursillo. The goal is to visit each parish in the Diocese at least every two years and encourage participation in Cursillo, both clergy and laity. Several parishes have been visited this year to present Cursillo information in hope folks will be interested in joining us soon.

Of the 45 parishes, 10 parishes consistently send candidates to weekends. Parish rectors are the key to whether folks at a particular parish attend Cursillo. In a nutshell, if the rector encourages Cursillo, they may likely attend; without the rector’s encouragement, most likely they will not. TECC is also engaging with rectors and communicating the importance of their role to creating Cursillo weekends. Rectors are also invited to “observe” a weekend (or any portion thereof) if they are unable to attend as a candidate. Bishop John promotes the benefits of Cursillo at appropriate times.

Hopefully you are inspired by the steps TECC is taking to promote Cursillo and you are encouraged to sponsor a friend soon! If you are interested in the outreach program of visiting parishes to present Cursillo, please email Jim Rutledge at Rutledge@fpunet.com for an introductory 4-minute talking point outline and a list of parishes that need to be contacted and visited.

Click here to register today.

De Colores!